Making a Difference

Ben Wheeler


Mendota, Va

January, 2023

Elliot Gordon


Los Angeles, CA

October, 2022

Josiah Trim-Lee

Josiah is 12 years old. He lives with his mom and grandma in Brooklyn, NY. Josiah is a funny, sweet and very happy young man. He laughs a lot and gives the best hugs. His life changed when he started riding a bicycle, you can see how giving him the opportunity to feel like any other kid and the freedom that a bicycle gives, has made him very independent.

“Josiah said: It is my bike… has my name on it!!!

East Flatbush, Brooklyn

September 2022

Libni Arenas

Libni will be 12 years old in December 2022.  She lives with her mom Miiram and dad Pablo in Renton, Seattle.

She has overcome many challenges, her positive attitude and her love for school helps her become better everyday. 

Our dream was to see Libni on her adaptive bicycle and hoping that one day she will be strong enough to ride it on her own.

Thank you for everyone’s support and making our dream come true.

Renton, WA 98057

May, 2022

Make it stand out.

The Arenas Lopez family want to share how much an adaptive bicycle means to their family. We want to take the time to say THANK YOU to everyone that help make this a reality.

Together we can transform the lives of thousand of children giving them the freedom of riding a bicycle to obtain the mobility necessary to improve their quality of live.

Isadora Alvarez

Isadora is 7 years old, extremely smart and active. She was born with a disorder of the corpus callosum, which affects her balance and walking but that doesn’t stop her for anything. All that Isa wanted was to have a bicycle to ride with her sister and one more thing needed it to be green and look like her sister’s bicycle. We are extremely happy to make Isa’s dream come true.

Get ready for the most joyful 28 seconds. Big thank you @adaptabilitybike for designing the coolest customer bike for my little friend and other like her”. Andrea Ruth

Brooklyn, NY

September, 2021


Liam Leston

Liam is a 7 years old boy born with a rare generic syndrome called Cri du Chat. He plays softball every Sunday at Peter Stuyvesant Little League. He always wanted to have his own bicycle to ride with his sisters and cousins.



July, 2021

Anna Roufanis

Anna is a non-verbal, 10 years-old young girl who lives in NY with her wonderful parents and her little brother. For Anna’s parents an adaptive bicycle will mean the opportunity of Anna to obtain mobility, abilities and coordination.


Oyster Bay, NY

July, 2021


Max Malec

Max is a 14 years old. He loves football and played it for many years. He lives in Moscow, PA with his dad and brother. Max wasn’t crazy about cycling but need it an activity to stay fitted and after receiving the hand-cycle, he rides as often as he can and even broke his record, riding 13.29 miles.

“Oh Yea!!! Max really enjoys it and is getting stronger and leaner. Thank you so much.” Mike Malec


Moscow, PA

May, 2021

Jayce Figueroa

Jayce is always on the move, he is 7 years-old. He had been using a tricycle for about 2 years, going around the park with it. He uses a wheelchair for long distance, but can walk independently for a block and uses a posterior walker in crowds. He hates to sit still and is always finding a reason to walk back and forth, regardless of what’s going on. Having his own bicycle has been a dream of his.

“Jayce loved his bike! He has taking it all over and is doing well with it.” Thank You!

Flatbush-Ditmas Park, Brooklyn

August 2020

Wyatt Biederman

Wyatt, is a 9-year old boy who was born with a chromosomal disorder called 22 q deletion syndrome. In his life he has overcome more obstacles than one can imagine. He had over 8 surgeries, including open heart, surgery before the age of 2 .

He is very active and physically able but is not able to ride a typical bicycle. As Wyatt has gotten older, his interests have changed so much and it’s harder to keep him occupied. All of the bikes for his age and size are unable to work for him.

“We can’t wait to go on family bike rides. We can’t wait to see his skills get better and his body get stronger. This is a true blessing for us and especially Wyatt” Thank You!

Marina del Rey, California

February 2020

James Cox

James is a 4 year old with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Due to James’s disability he is unable to safely ride a regular tricycle. By providing him with an adapted tricycle, he can benefit from using it on a consistent basis. The tricycle can aid in improving bilateral coordination of left and right sides, increase muscle strength, improve his range of motion, assist in developing visual spatial perception. It can also help with improving the function of his cardiovascular system; aiding circulation and increase his endurance. This adaptive tricycle will provide a sense of individuality for James, and give him the opportunity for peer interaction. 



Park Slope Brooklyn, NY

December 2019


Ava Rios

She is a sweet, beautiful 6 year old girl from Brooklyn, New York. It all started out when she suffered from lack of oxygen and low APG scores. Ava suffers from multiple medical issues, PDD/ Autism, Selective Mutism and immunosuppressive disorder that she receives IVIG infusions for. She has been home-based all of her life for therapy and school services. The joy of receiving a bike that will provide her safety and enjoyment at the same time is the best gift anyone could ever give her.


Crown Heights Brooklyn, NY

October 2019

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Evan Resto

Evan was born at 24 weeks, weighing 1 pound and 12 ounces. His first home was the hospital, were he stayed for 3 months. He was diagnosed at the age of 2 years old with Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Delay. Throughout the years, Evan had several surgeries (9 in total) and was diagnosed with Collagenous Colitis on 2016. Evan is now 13 years old and he's a fun and bright child. Evan loves to play jokes on others, he loves to watch funny movies (Kevin Hart is his favorite comedian).  Evan loves to eat and he is an easy kid to please. He's very understanding and he's always smiling.

“Our family is very happy that we had the opportunity to get an adaptive bicycle for Evan…THANK YOU'‘.

East Williamsburg Brooklyn, NY

October 2019

Thank You.

On behalf of Adapt Ability and the Resto’s Family we want to say Thank You to Dentsu Aegis Network. Dentsu “3rd Annual Bike The Hudson” ride raised fund for Adapt Ability and presented Evan Resto with his custom adaptive bicycle. Incredible ride and great BBQ. Thank You.

Allegra Abrams

Allegra is 20 years old and is in her final year of school at iBrain.  Although she is non-ambulatory, Allegra loves to move, especially on her adaptive bicycle.  Her current school does not have a bicycle for her. So, having her own bicycle would enable her to bicycle ride during her last year of school and beyond.  

Abrams’ Family: “Thank you, thank you… to everyone involve in this amazing organization from donors to staff”.

Stuyvesant Town, NY

August 2019

Thank You

On behalf of Adapt Ability and the Abrams’ Family we want to say Thank You to the FDNY’s Humble Heroes and the FDNY Res5cue Team. Allegra’s favorite super hero Wonder Woman presented her with her custom adaptive bicycle. An impressive presentation at Stuyvesant Town, NY.

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Kiko Mina

Kiko is 14 years old. He is smart, love sports and is an energetic happy young man. Kiko's 4 brain surgeries brought some irreversible complications.  Left sided paralysis and losing half of his vision are the major ones but his ADHD complication is just as significant. Due to this, his executive age is 3-5 years younger than his chronological peers. His deficient executive functions make him unable to plan ahead, organize his thoughts, and anticipate possibilities. 

“We really want him to be independent, and find the freedom and  joy in doing things on his own. However, safety supersedes this.  We have carefully deliberated on this and thought that tandem biking will bring him the pleasure of cycling within the realms of being safe”
— Lina, Kiko’s mother.

“Thank you, a dream come true…”

Lake Hopatcong, NJ 

June 2019

Thank You.

On behalf of everyone from Adapt Ability we want to say Thank You to The Yankees, The Hope Organization, and everyone that was involve in making this possible. The Hope Organization invited all AdaptAbility children and their families to come to the Yankee Stadium to be part of the ceremony in Honoring Sandra Alfonzo, Adapt Ability. The Hope Organization also donated $10,000. Its was a magical evening for all of us…THANK YOU!

Thank you Yankee’s Organization for allowing to share some of the pictures showing above.

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Julian Steinberg

Julian was born about 8 weeks before his due date. He spent 2 months in the neonatal intensive care unit.  At age 2 he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Soon after that, he began to ambulate with the assistance of a walker. At around 3 1/2 years old, Julian underwent a spinal cord surgery that would reduce the spasm in his legs. Six weeks after the surgery Julian began walking without any assistance for the first time.  Julian has strived to do everything that all kids do, whether it be climbing ladders at the playground, jumping on trampolines, running after birds, and rehearsing his best ninja moves in front of the mirror.  Julian has a strong desire for the freedom and independence that comes with the ability to control one's body the way most kids his age can.

“Thanks to this special program, Julian has his own bicycle that allows him to experience the simple yet unique joy of bike riding while giving him the chance to keep up with his sister as they zoom around the park, doing what kids do”. 

Windsor Terrace Brooklyn, NY

July 2019

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David Klein

David is our youngest AdaptAbility child, he is only 2 years old. Our youngest star needs rehabilitation to strengthen his legs, work on coordination and to get mobility on his right arm. David is very smart and curious.

“Thank you”

Boro Park Brooklyn, NY

August 2019

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Claramae Cerniglia

Claramae was diagnosed with hypotonia at 17 months old. Thanks to physical therapy and adaptive physical education in school she is making great strides. She is eager to do all the things her friends and siblings can do - especially riding a bike - but her balance and stamina make it difficult to meet this goal. Claramae is extremely smart and friendly.

“Thank you for giving our family the opportunity to ride together”

Park Slope Brooklyn, NY

May 2019

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Brianna Galinski

“Giggle box”, that’s what her teachers call her. Brianna is eight years old and has a twin sister. She has limited muscle control of her arms, legs and torso. Brianna is a top student in her class. She spends hours each day in physical therapy and is very active outdoors. For Brianna riding a bicycle will be a double joy since it will help her to get better and will mean that she will be able to do things her sister does.

Brianna and her family are very grateful for all the donations and amazing wishes…

Seagate Brooklyn, NY

February 2019

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Karen Zhou

Karen was born in Brooklyn, NY. Her parents are Chinese and at the age of 9 years old she speaks English and Mandarin. Karen was born premature and stayed in the hospital several months. Karen’s goal is one day to walk without any help. Her love for reading makes her one of the smartest students in her class.

谢谢(Thank you) from Karen and Zhou Family.

Sunset Park Brooklyn, NY

June 2018

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Hasan Mahmud

Hasan is 9 years old and was born in Brooklyn, NY. He loves reading and video games. Hasan’s diagnosis and his severe hypotonia and unsteady gait makes things hard for him to perform any action without help. His goal is one day to help others the same way people have being helping him.

Hasan and his Family are very grateful.

Sunset Park Brooklyn, NY

April 2018

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Otis Pacuk

Otis was born with a genetic disorder called Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome. Otis is seven years old and he has never ridden a bike before. Thanks to our donors we are making a difference in his life. Although he has spent much of his childhood in hospitals and gone through many surgeries, he has somehow managed to remain an extremely happy boy. He continues to fight with a good spirit and positive sweetness. Everyone who meets Otis instantly falls in love with him.

Otis and his family are excited and Thanks everyone that made this a reality. Otis’ life will never be the same…

Park Slope Brooklyn, NY

December 2018

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Peri Finkelstein

Peri is 18 years old and is a student at Adelphi University, NY majoring in Business. She has had more than 20 surgeries and uses an electric wheelchair and a ventilator 24/7, but that has not stopped her to continue achieving her goals. Peri is also a marathon runner.

Peri and her Family, Thanks everyone for all the donations.

West Hempstead, NY

March 2018

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Diego Muñoz

Our first AdaptAbility Star, Diego Muñoz. Diego loves the outdoors and his favorite song is “I Live”. At the age of 15, Diego has had more than 10 surgeries. He was born premature and has had a lot of medical issues. He lives with his parents, sister and the new member of the family, a dog called Rocky.

The Muñoz Family are very thankful for all the donations, making Diego’s dream of riding a bicycle a reality.

Midwood NY, January, 2018